Monday, May 24, 2010

He Obama, Why Don't You Fix the 'Damn' Hole?

Is it just me, or does anyone else out there notice the lack of coverage Obama is getting regarding his total disregard for the huge oil spill in the Gulf?

He has done NOTHING. He hasn't even bothered to visit the site. What a joke.

History lesson - President Bush actually showed up on site just days after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Though help was needed quicker, it did arrive. Bush was bashed for a year after words for doing nothing.

This oil spill, created by BP a HUGE supporter of Obama during the election, is going to be worse than the Exxon spill in the late 80s. Animals will be killed by thousands and people's livelihoods will be shattered. Obama wields the power and resources of the largest government in the world, yet he has done nothing but toot his horn from DC, saying stupid comments like he did yesterday...

"Fix the damn hole!" he said.

Well, at least he CAN get mad.

Geez...give me a break.

Instead Obama is more worried about defeating the new Arizona illegal immigration law which he has not even read himself (a whopping 10 pages worth) and he is spending time trying to get Don't Ask, Don't Tell repealed.

Nice job Obama. Glad to know you care...what a fraud.

You've been duped America.

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