Monday, May 16, 2011

Candidates Enter, Some Leave - Who Will It Be?

2012 is not that far away and the Presidential battle will begin in months.

Huckabee has stepped out, Palin isn't saying anything, Gingritch is in, Romney remains in, Trump decided to stay away and Ron Paul still thinks he's the next winner.

Fewer times in history has a sitting President been as vulnerable to a smashing defeat as Obama is now and will likely be this time next year. It is imperative that we get this right.

Personally, here are my thoughts:

Huckabee is just too nice. Palin is too much trouble. Romney ended his chances with Romneycare. And, Paul is too radical.

That leaves the likes of Paul Ryan (who hasn't entered), Newt Gingritch (who might have too much baggage), Chris Christie (who hasn't entered) and Herman Cain (who some call a racist -and he's black! go figure...).

Our nation needs a true leader. One who can take Obama head on, has some personality, spunk and experience in the real world.

Right now, I'm really liking Herman Cain and Chris Christie. Paul Ryan would be great as well.

Bottom line, Romney, Huckabee, Palin and maybe even Newt had their day in the son. It's time for a new conservative team.

For now, count me voting for Cain or Christie.

Whatever we do, Obama has to go!!!

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