Thursday, May 10, 2012

Is Obama Really a Liar?

By Brady Speers

As soon as you make any type of statement that Obama lies or made false promises, the come back is quickly “all politicians lie” or “President Bush” did too. Not so sure about that. Certainly all politicians state they will do this or that, but out right lies? Show me the proof like I am about to show you mine, then you may have a defense.

Here is quick list of exactly what Obama promised or has stated both while running for Office and now as our President. Now you tell me who’s the big liar.

Unemployment would never go above 8% if he was President.
- Unemployment has remained between 9-10% his entire Presidency and fewer jobs have been created than most Presidents before him percentage wise. Real unemployment numbers would be about 12-14% if you counted those that ran out of benefits or gave up.

His said he would create 2 million new jobs almost right away and even more over the years.
- not even close - we currently remain 5 million jobs in the hole as we did back in 2007

He would give Israel his full support and we would remain their biggest ally.
- nothing is farther from the truth. Every President before him has remained steadfast in their support of Israel (even Clinton). Yet, Obama has demeaned, embarrassed and called out Israel consistently - siding with Palestine none the less! This is one that certainly gets God's attention...

He claimed he was a Christian and held true to all Christian values.
- supporting same sex marriage and pushing radical abortion practices do not reflect the heart of any true Christian.

He state he believed marriage should be between a man and a woman.
- he made it clear in 2008 that he believed in marriage between a man and a woman. Now, suddenly he claims he has evolved?? This is all political - he is showing his real colors because he has to regain his liberal supporters in Hollywood.

He said he would put an end to ear marks in bills and absolutely trashed Bush for allowing them.
- one quick look at Obamacare proves that was certainly a bald face lie.

He said current political fund raising practices were wrong and must be changed:
- his largest PAC took $1million from crazy liberal celebrity Bill Maher. Enough said.

He said he would end the war in Iraq soon after taking office.
- still waiting

He said Obamacare would in fact reduce healthcare rates and reduce our national deficit.
- comical. The CBO now says Obamacare will cost 1/2 trillion more than expected and will actually INCREASE healthcare rates and our debt.

He said he would personally meet with our enemies essentially claiming he could smooth things out with them all.
- he hasn’t meet with any of them and all of those nations hate us even more and certainly don’t fear us any more.

He called Bush “unpatriotic” for allowing our national debt to rise to 12 trillion.
- he has been the biggest spending President in our history and now our debt is closing in on $16 trillion.

Biggest Lie of them All:
He said his Presidency would be different than any other and he would be "transparent" and open with the American public.
- total BS. Looking back at the hidden dark room deals made to get Obamacare passed revealed the truths of his ways completely. He in fact is worse than those before him. Bring back Clinton for God's sake.

If we don't force a change in 2012, America as we used to know it might just be lost forever. We must force his hand and take our country back from this lying, liberal freak.

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