Saturday, June 28, 2008

New Obama Bill Will Cost Us $845 BILLION

For one of the few times in his history, Senator Obama has written a bill that looks like might pass through the House and the Senate.

Problem is it is one of the worst in American history.

In a time when gas prices are beyond belief, Americans are having income and credit worries, Mr. Obama thinks it would be good to start worrying about the rest of the world and give away nearly ONE TRILLION of our hard-earned tax dollars to OTHER NATIONS!!!


Read here for more:

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Finally, Someone Else from The Right Speaks Out

It's about time.

For nearly 6 months now I have been blown away by this guy known as "Obama" and how many in our nation is following this man right over the cliff of social, liberalism inter-twined with a "black-liberation theology" spun to most American's as "Christian".

He is no more a Christian than Hitler himself was and his church is no more a Christian church than a Kingdom Hall of Witnesses is.

Dr. Dobson has finally spoken. You might not believe me on this blog, but maybe now you will believe him.

Click here for more.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Where Are the Libs Now?

2005 - Hurricane Katrina. Thousands of homes flooded, city evacuated. People dead. Majority of those effected were minorities. Media reports galore, most blaming Federal Government, FEMA and President George Bush. Liberals going nuts calling for the heads of US Government officials. Reporters like Geraldo Rivera reporting live from New Orleans in near tears. People seemed to overlook the fact that people refused to leave despite warnings, not to mention the residents decided to live in a city BELOW SEA LEVEL!

2008 - 500 Year Flooding. Thousands of homes flooded, multiple cities evacuated. People dead. Majority of those effected are not minorities. Few media reports. No big time live reports. Liberals doing nothing more than just saying, "How sad this is, poor people." No blame game, nothing.

The hypocrisy of the Democratic leadership of this country is appalling, yet people follow along by the millions.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Obama Video That Will Blow Your Mind

Of all of the videos I have reveiewed about Obama, none is more clear than this news report showing who Obama really is. It's 13 mins long, but if you care about our country, you have to watch.

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Liars Will Unite

For months now Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC) have been mortal enemies, tearing each other to pieces and claiming they are the real choice Americans wanted for President.

Just a week ago Hillary was claiming BHO had no ability to lead and called him out.

Both have lied numerous times against each other and in defense of themselves.

Get ready for it to all magically end. Now they will unite as one with her as his V.P. Out of nowhere, they will be holding hands, kissing each other and talking about how unified the Democratic party is. Let the barffing begin again.

What an amazing country!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Obama Has Scarry Ties, Hillary Is Toast

The democrats are hilarious and it has truly been a pleasure watching them act like complete morons over the last 4 months. Both Hillary and Obama have made gaff after gaff, lied about various things and spent hours via the media trying to convince American's they are the party of change.


Looks like Obama is now the person to beat for Mr. McCain, who I think has done a fairly good job of taking Barak to task over his bold, outlandish and frankly, stupid promises.

What's really scary though is the kind of people this man from Chicago is known to be friends with. People like racist/muslim Louis Farrakhan, nuttball Rev. Wright, crazy William Ayers and terrorist lover Rashid Khalidi. The latest to enter the Obama circus of freaks is Priest Michael Pfleger, who spewed hate in the form of a "sermon" from Obama's home church. Over a week later, Obama finally resigned his membership of the church he "loved" for over 20 years.

This is the same church that believes:

White people are the problem
Black power should be above all
America is at fault
The US is a terrible country

Barak Hussein Obama only quit this church because it is so greatly affecting his campaign.

Obama will lose to McCain in November. Many democrats are blind enough to still vote for him, but many aren't and even they can see through this guys falsehood.

He is an inexperienced man who is evil, lies to the public, and yet calls himself a leader.

A leader doesn't follow men with such narrow thinking such as these.