Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Brown Wins! Sets the Tone for November!

Take that to dinner OBAMA! Conservative values rule the day even in one of the most liberal states in the nation!

The come to Jesus party will be in November!

Scott Brown for President 2012!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year Brings New Hopes for Conservatives

Despite the fact that Obama and his team of liberals running Congress right now are Hell-bent on ruining this country as quickly as possible, the future outlook of the conservative movement in the U.S. looks brighter than it has in years.

The Congressional careers of Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Dodd and other Democratic leaders are on shaky ground as they continue to push their high spending, liberal agendas on an American public that is clearly opposed to such actions. Though Obama won the election - let's all be honest here - many independent, moderates and even some conservatives tired of Bush and his ways voted for Obama out of hope he would truly be different.

They have been fooled and now they are ticked.

Obama has turned into to be nothing but a big spending, extreme-liberal, powerless world leader. His fame and honeymoon are coming to an end quicker than any other President in history. Polls are showing him with less than a 50% approval rating, which is the lowest ever after one year of a new President. Even President Carter was doing better in the polls after a year and everyone knows he was a moron.

But here is why we can expect real hope and change to happen in the November elections:

- The Libs continual Blame-Bush script is getting old and America isn't buying it anymore
- It's the economy stupid - as it fails to recover Obama will pay the price (by the way Congress has been controlled by the libs since 2006 so it was THIER policies during Bush's reign that started all of this, not his)
- Al Gore and his Global Warming scheme has become a total joke and most see it as as Democratic created devise
- Terrorism is on the rise again (4 events in 6 months after nothing for years with Bush in office) - Obama is coming across as a complete wuss on the world stage
- Obama's actions with GITMO prisoners is already back-firing on the U.S.
- Obama continues to act with ignorance and arrogance thinking he can control evil minded world leaders and has accomlished nothing with any of them since being elected
- Democractic leaders are resigning ahead of elections to save face
- Obama out righted lied about the healthcare bill being debated on C-Span and now refuses to do allow what he promised
- the Democratic party is ignoring the polls that clearly show most Americans are not happy with their spending and policies
- the Democractic party is forcing healthcare reform down our throats while locking opposition out of the negotiations and having secret meetings behind closed doors

So much for "hope and change we can believe in". Obama is a complete fraud. He is no different than all the others before him and his days in office are already numbered just one year into America's love affair with him.

All we have to do now is survive until November and pray Obama doesn't completely destroy our nation in the mean time...