Monday, September 13, 2010

Sad But True Photo Comparison

All I want for Christmas (in 2012) is a POWERFUL world leader back in charge of America.

Thanks to Tyson for the below photos...

Their Guy (Putin of Russia )

Our Guy

Saturday, September 11, 2010

While We Remember 911 Obama Opens to Doors for Islam

Islamic terrorist want to kill each and every one of us and 911 wasn't the end of their attempts to do so, that we can know for sure.

President Obama seems to care less.

Freedom of religion is his new calling card. Really? The one time he actually uses the word "freedom" is in his defense of standing up for Islamic leaders wanting to build a mosque on the World Trade Center corner.

A liberal doesn't like freedom. Rather, they like control and making things even socially. And they certainly don't like Christianity.

Where is Obama demanding we are allowed to build a church near Mecca? Where is Obama leading the charge that Bibles should be allowed in Egypt, Iran, Pakistan or China? Where is Obama calling out Islamic terrorist and having them executed for their murders?

What ever happened to his promise of hunting down and finding Ben Laden?

Do I hate the man? No, but I can say I strongly dislike the man and the person that he is. Do I pray for him? Yes, I pray for God to protect us from his ideology and agendas and I pray for his successor. But I do NOT pray for his success.

Obama is a fraud. He is more of an embarrassment than even I was saying he would be. He embraces everything that is the opposite of what this nation was founded on and refuses to defend or protect us.

Thank God his days in power appear to be coming to an end.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Health Insurance Rates Starting to Accelerate

Can we say "told you so"?

This is just the beginning sadly. The new healthcare reform bill which started taking effect this month will drastically change America as we know it.

We can only pray we regain control of the House and Senate in November and can begin the process of stemming the tide. But healthcare will never be the same.

For affordable plans with lower rates, contact my agency.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Obama/Dems Punching Their Ticket Out

Well that didn't last long.

America gave the Left their chance, and America is revolting over that decision. November looks promising for us conservatives. We can only pray we win enough seats to stop the bleeding and begin the repairs to our incredible nation.

Why is Obama already such a failure? The list is long and the list is close to the one we all said it would be. Here are just a few reasons why he and his team of liberals will be headed out soon.

1. Failure to stand up for and defend America
2. Siding with Mexico over illegal immigration causes vs siding with the border states.
3. Embracing our enemies (the Muslim world) and attacking our friends (Israel)
4. Failure to do anything to North Korea or Iran
5. Economic woes getting worse
6. Breaking untold promises and being no different than those before him
7. Increased moral decay by supporting those whose lifestyles are contrary to the majority in the U.S.
8. The healthcare bill
9. Blaming Bush - two years later and NEVER STOPPING!
10. Arrogance
11. The Gulf Oil Spill
12. Government spending totally out of control
13. Supporting abortion like no other President in history
14. Vacations all over the freaking place during crisis
15. Being a celebrity President instead of a world leader
16. Bowing to other world leaders
17. Failure to "drain the swamp" in Congress and adding more unethical acts to it instead
18. Government handouts gallore
19. Trying to control banks, education, healthcare, and wall street
20. Supporting the Mosque near the WTC site
21. Failure to stop the wars.
22. Failure to get the trials for 9/11 done

His biggest failure? Ignoring the MAJORITY completely. Read the polls you dolt. People don't want the America you are creating. They want the America you promised.

It will get worse before it gets better but he and his left leaning peeps are punching their tickets out.