Sunday, April 24, 2011

If Obama Wasn't President...

If anyone other than Obama was President now he would be on rail headed out of DC and back whence he came from.

Gas prices are higher than ever!
Our national debt is higher than ever! Obama alone has added more in 3 years than Bush did in 8!
Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continue!
America sits idly by while people seeking freedom around the world plead for our help!
Taxes are highest than ever, yet more than half don't pay anything and 5% pay MOST of it!
Unemployment remains steady at around 9% - highest in decades!
American dollar has lost even more value!
Stock market hasn't done much of anything!
Border murders and violence have increased!
Terrorists are more at work than before!
America looks weak in the eyes of the world!

His approval numbers are down, his methods are now being questioned, his policies are failing, and yes, like I said 4 nearly 4 years ago, some even now question his birthright to lead our nation.

Yet Obama's hold on America continues.

After all, this is all still Bush's fault isn't it???

2012 cannot get here fast enough. This man is even worse than I thought he would be...