Monday, February 25, 2008

He is Black & He Gives Good Speeches


It appears these are the two main reasons Obama has the following he does. Are there really that many dumb people in this country?After all, he has done nothing politically in his short career to validate ANYONE voting for this guy, so what else could it be?

Yet, supposedly this man who does nothing but get people fired up, is making promises that the Obama Plan will fix healthcare, improve education, end the war, stop racism, better foreign relations, strengthen the economy, empower our military, defeat terrorism, and bring peace to all mankind once and for all.

Reeeeeaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyy? LOL.
Give me a break.

But to be fair, let's take a quick closer look at this man and see if I am just not seeing what everyone else is. After all, either I am as smart as I think I am and these people fainting and crying tears at his rallies are just morons, or the opposite is true. It simply cannot be both.

Here are some facts about him, his agenda and his experience.
Fact: his professional background is in socialized programs in the Chicago area
Fact: he served as a STATE senator for 7 years.
Fact: he served as US senator for only 2 years.
Fact: he sponsored or co-sponsored over 570 bills in that time, only 15 became law
Fact: his voting record deomonstrates the inability to decide on issues, as he voted NV in most cases which means absent, not voting or just present and not voting. (

That's it. That's the fact sheet on this guy.

So let me ask again, why are people voting for him?

Two reasons.

He is black and he gives good speeches.

Oh Momma, not Obama.

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