Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome to Conservative Light

Yes, I am a proud 38 year old conservative American. I live in Texas, along with my hot wife, twin daughters, a son and two dogs to boot.

I have a Master's Degree from Baylor. I was raised a Christian and attend church regularly. I believe in Jesus Christ as the one and only true Savior.

I own my own business and have worked hard at being an entrepreneur since I was in college. I earn more than most but everything I have now I have built with the help of my business partner and hard work. We started the company with $10,000 and no outside investors. Everything we have we have earned.

I am tired of high taxes, the legal murdering of babies every day, liberals who appear to have no brains, the Clinton's, Americans who have forgotten 3,000 people died on 911, governmental handouts, irresponsible adults who think the government is their parental support system, weak policies towards terrorists, intolerance towards Christianity, racism, slackers who do nothing but get everything for free and liberal judicial decisions handed down by the Supreme Court and the lame 9th Court of Appeals.

Mostly, I am tired of dumb Americans who vote for who looks good, sounds good, those the celebs in Hollywood endorse and those that make promises only Jesus himself could fulfill.

The America of today is in no shape or form the America our founding fathers dreamed it would be. Intolerance towards Christians, abortion, high taxes, prayer, the Bible and God Himself banned from schools, big government, illegal immigration, and weak foreign policies towards those that have murdered fellow Americans were not on the list of "Our Dream for this Nation" when they left England. The are rolling over in their graves each and every sunrise.

It is time true conservatives rise, ban together and take this nation back by storm. The Whitehouse needs to be whitewashed with a new hope of CONSERVATIVE change.

Hence, Conservative Light has been born.

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