Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Did You Know Obama Smokes?

What else do you not know about him?

The Obama campaign is all about image. They believe most Americans will vote based on the emotional appeal of their candidate. He has to always been smiling, say what the crowd in front of him wants to hear, be over the top with kindness, look "messiah like". This is why they hide such truths from us about him. If he is "the One" that can save our world, how can he be seen doing something as negative and unacceptable these days as smoking?

Barack Obama can give good speeches. We will hear one tomorrow night in Denver on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream" speech. But there are many things about Obama, what he believes, who he really is and who he calls friends, that are kept far in the distance by his campaign. His former pastor of 20 years is nothing compared to the others he has known, those he has been taught by and those he has done business with.

Take some time and find out for yourself before you vote. Don't be one of the millions who vote because he can make you cry, feel light headed or stir your belly. Just search "truths about Obama" or read Obamanation by Jerome Corsi. Use your brain and you will see it like all of us level headed people do.

If you don't, it could all go up in smoke if he gets elected.

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