Monday, October 20, 2008

Can You Imagine?

Can you imagine if John McCain’s wife had said, “This is the first time in my adult life that I am proud of America”?
Can you imagine if John McCain had any association at all with the unrepentant, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers?
Can you imagine if John McCain was connected in any way to Rezko?
Can you imagine if John McCain had political advisors that are now being tied back to the corporate scandals involving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
Can you imagine if John McCain only had 2 years of service as a U.S. senator and spent most of that time getting ready to run for President ?
Can you imagine if John McCain voted “present” on most issues as a U.S. senator?
Can you imagine if John McCain said he would meet with leaders of terrorist countries “without conditions”?
Can you imagine if John McCain said he it was “patriotic” to pay more in taxes?
Can you imagine if John McCain had said it was fair to "spread the wealth around a little bit".
Can you imagine if John McCain opposed a bill that would allow doctors to help babies that survived abortions rather than having to watch them die horrible, slow deaths?
Can you imagine if John McCain's birth certificate was questioned and never truly authenticated? Can you imagine if John McCain was born into a Muslim family?
Can you imagine if John McCain had a brother in Kenya that earned $1 a month that he simply ignored?
Can you imagine if John McCain used his race to help him get votes?
Can you imagine if John McCain went on a European tour stating “he was the won we (the world) had been waiting on?”Can you imagine if John McCain’s family included a mother that had multiple children by multiple fathers and a father who had multiple children with multiple women?
Can you imagine if John McCain only visited Iraq one time and during that visit refused to shake the hands of wounded soldiers?
Can you imagine if John McCain’s running mate once blasted him and said he was “unfit to lead” and that the job of being President was not one “for on the job training?
Can you imagine if John McCain said he supported killing babies via abortion so that if his daughter got pregnant she would not have to carry the burden of a child?
Can you imagine if John McCain sent investigators out to find dirt on Obama's running mate, if the VP candidate was a woman?
Can you imagine if John McCain once said public funding laws for elections needed serious revisions yet just months later announced he himself had raised over $600,000,000 to spend in order to buy the Whitehouse?
Can you imagine if John McCain had claimed to be the candidate of change in Washington, only to choose as his running mate a Washington insider of over 30 years?
Can you imagine the outrage if John McCain was getting all mostly nothing but positive stories from all main stream media sources and Obama was getting slighted?
Can you imagine if John McCain had all of these questionable issues surrounding the people he knew, his background and his beliefs yet few main stream media sources even asked about it?
Can you imagine if John McCain had sat under the teachings of a pastor like Rev. Wright for over 20 years?
Can you imagine if John McCain was getting public endorsements from the likes of Omar Kadafi, Kenya gang leaders, and Louis Farrakhan among others?

Replace “John McCain” with “Barack Obama” and it won’t be just your imagination anymore.

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