Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Bill Would Reduce Free Speech Freedoms

Just received an email about a new bill that what drastically change our abilities of free speech and give Obama power to prosecute nearly anyone. FROM AN EMAIL:

America's most basic freedoms of speech, conscience and the free exercise of religion are under attack and the time to act is now. If President Obama succeeds with his priority of passing the Hate Crimes law, H.R. 1913 - the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, it could lead to the criminalization of the Biblical view of homosexuality in sermons and elsewhere. An offended homosexual could accuse a pastor, Sunday School teacher of broadcaster of causing emotional injury simply by expressing the Biblical view that homosexuality is sinful.

H.R. 1913 is one more step in the campaign to legitimize homosexuality in our culture by treating it as a protected class along with race, gender, and religion. The long term goal is to create one more platform from which to eradicate wrong thinking about homosexuality. H.R. 1913 will undoubtedly pave the way to legislation that will make thinking Biblically about homosexuality a "hate crime."

We believe prosecutors and anti-Christian groups will use loop holes in the proposed legislation to muzzle the church from speaking out on Biblical standards of morality which are shared by most Americans. Unnecessary lawsuits will bring a chilling effect to the free speech and religious liberty of our churches and of our members.

Laws already exist in all 50 states to punish violent crime, making this legislation unnecessary, unfair, indefinable, un-American and constitutionally suspect.

Laws in civilized nations have always been designed to punish conduct, not thought. H.R. 1913 is not designed to aid in crime fighting. Punishing wrong beliefs about homosexuality is the sole aim of H.R. 1913 - the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

It's true: Check it out:

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