Wednesday, July 22, 2009

HealthSCARE Reform - We MUST Act Now!

President Obama wants government controlled, socialized healthcare. At any costs. That is his bottom line.

As a health insurance agent, I agree certain reforms are needed. Carriers need to approve and cover more applicants, reduce premiums, and be held accountable. All of us agree on those reforms.

But few I talk to want our Government to be in control of our medicine and that is exactly what our liberal Congress is seeking with some bills currently being proposed.

Using scare tactics that our nation will self destruct if a bill is not passed TODAY, they are ignoring some very real truths.

1. The U.S. has the most respected medical system in the world. People from socialized healthcare nations like Canada and Britain now come to America for treatment. No one goes there.

2. Out 100 people, 85 have health insurance right now.

3. Of the 50,000,000 we hear about that are "un-insured". Over 10,000,000 of them are illegal aliens. Another large chunk of them are young and could careless about having insurance, and still another large group of people already qualify for Medicaid or Medicare and simply are too lazy to get it setup. I know, I personally talk to people in these catagoties every single week!

The current bill in the House includes other items you might not be aware of:

1. Abortions will be funded with Federal dollars.

2. Seniors will be required to have at least one "end of life" counseling session every 5 years.

3. If you do not have private insurance by 2012 the law will prohibit you from getting your own private plan, forcing you to accept the government plan.

4. Your medical records, which have always been protected as private, will be stored with a governmental office in D.C.

5. Costs will be controlled by determining procedures based on age and condition. For exmample, an 78 year old woman needing a hip replacement surgery will likely be refused in order to keep costs down. Example two, a 53 year old man with terminal cancer will be refused expensive drugs to extend his life and improve his final days in order to keep costs. Both of these happen in Canada and Britain right now.

6. This bill would add TRILLIONS more to our national debt! When is this spending going to stop!?

7. In order to cover the 50,000,000 that are "un-insured", the 250,000,000 of us with coverage are going to have to completely lose the healthcare system we have come to rely on and trust in.

There is much more being learned as details in this bill are discovered among the 1,000 pages. Most congressional members have not read the bill and neither has President Obama as he admited his recent press conference. (How can these morons on Capital Hill pass bills that change our entire nation and cost trillions without READING THEM I will never understand!)

This is why we MUST act now and slow this Obama political agenda down. He wants to change the fabric of our nation and few things are more important than us all getting the highest quality healthcare the world offers. He does not care to know the details. He only cares about his legacy to push us towards higher taxes, big government and socialisim.

If you and I allow Congress to pass this bill we will regret this move more than anything Obama has done thus far. Simply sighing and hoping for better is not enough. We all need to act today. Call, write and get involved.

I have.

Will you?

Use the links below to get the contact information for Congress here and make a few calls, emails or letters today! Conservative Democrats jobs are on the line and they know it. We can stop this bill dead in it's track. All we have to do is let our voices be heard.


Brittanicus said...

From the beginning its been previous administrations ultimate fault that illegal immigration has never been retired. Years of neglect and intentional overlooking of the laws that were in place? It's grandiose excuse to allow the 20 million plus illegal immigrants to stay on American soil. Congress when enacted the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 has been flagrantly ignored. The IRCA toughened criminal sanctions for employers who hired illegal aliens, denied illegal aliens federally funded welfare benefits, and legitimized some aliens through an amnesty program–EXCEPT THESE LAWS NEVER WERE ENFORCED?

There has always been complicity since the earliest days, between the lawmakers, big business, the open border zealots and radical pro-immigration and anti-American sovereignty organizations. Just like the Globalist they have an attitude that American taxpayers should accommodate every illegal family, with free medical care, schooling and a comfortable prison cell, for criminals and for the thousands of illegal alien drunken drivers every year. That globalist agenda has always been a free movement of cheap labor, between all of South America, Canada and Mexico, just as secretly arranged with the 3 countries leaders in Waco, Texas, at the end of March 2005.

Americans only forceful action is to build on E-verify, but not to replace it? Sen. Charles Schumer, D-New York and chairman of the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on immigration wants consider up-grading the application, with modifications to authenticate the employee’s identity by using a specific and unique biometric identifiers? Schumer, stated "improving employment verification is critical to boosting public confidence about curbing illegal immigration, which will build support for comprehensive immigration reform." These politicians just don't get it? Outside of the American Civil War, there will be a battle over giving illegal immigrants a path to citizenship free-ride? What about the millions of people with integrity and believe in the Rule of Law, who sit and wait in far off foreign countries for an entry visa?

Whatever the outcome it will not be easy to pass any Immigration reform or AMNESTY? Say--NO-- because it going to cost trillions of dollars (with a T) in enactment. Health care, Pensions, retirement and a rush on government benefits, for those who haven't already cheated the system. Then they will want their immediate families here? And waiting millions will swarm the open areas of the sovereign border fence? IT WILL NEVER END? Call your Politician today at 202-224-3121 GOOGLE---NUMBERSUSA, AMERICANPATROL for facts, that will not be found in most press releases.

As a Independent voter, I do believe in a alternative government medical system, but I adamantly disagree on donating my taxes from public treasuries free health care to anybody who steals across our border or anything that smells of AMNESTY?

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David Ogletree said...

You can go to to fax your senators as well. It is a free service. You can fax your senators and representatives. You can fax all of them if you want.