Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ron Paul is Obummer's Winning Ticket

Ron Paul can single handedly keep Obama in office and there is a very good chance it happens. All he has to do is run as a 3rd party candidate and America will get 4 more years of Obama and his radical, dangerously liberal ways.

Ironically, Paul’s rabid followers (and they are rabid!) would just about croak at the idea of Obama remaining in office one more day, much less another 4 years. But after Paul realizes he will not be the GOP nominee, if he refuses to support the winning candidate and unify the conservative vote and runs his own White House bid, his followers would be to blame for all of us getting 4 more years of Barack. And that would be a major Obummer.

Paul is one strange bird. On the one hand, true conservatives love his theories on government finance, taxation and regulations. He believes in small, out of the way, out of our lives government. Like the rest of us, he wants less spending, reduction of debt, small business job creation and a decrease in federal oversights.

Then ask him about defense and foreign affairs, and absolute idiocracy spews out worse than the mouth of Nancy Pelosi. Holy crap he is scary. Dangerous, naive and far from the beliefs and actions of the Founding Fathers he so vehemently tries to mimic. He would bring our enemies right to our front doors with a weaker stance than Obama’s current “please return our missing drone” is with Iran.

Bring out the Gong Show hook and tell him thanks for playing. Buh. Bye.

Sadly, Paul’s radical followers almost come across as though they would rather have Obama in office than to support a candidate they view as weaker than Paul. If he or she isn’t perfect, then I’m just not gonna cast my vote in their direction. If Obama wins, so be it. How does this even make sense? This is like a lottery winner saying, “If I can’t have the entire $40 million because I have to pay taxes, then screw it and keep it all!”

Dumb and Dumber.

What we all need to realize is two main things.

1. It’s ok for us to have variances in our conservative beliefs as long as the core values are held dear – lower taxes, less spending, strong defense, religious freedoms, sanctity of life, and smaller government.

2. Our number one goal 10 months from now is to be about getting Obama out of office and regaining control of our government.

What all of us have to understand is that we all lose if Obama wins again and nothing would be worse for our nation, our future and our bank accounts. If it takes a candidate that isn’t quite as strong on some issues as we personally had hoped to pack Obummer’s bags, then so be it. He has to go. Since John McCain isn't running this time, I think we can live with any of those who have a real chance of winning.
Paul and his followers truly control our future right now. He is loved by the radical, the naïve and the young and there are millions of them. Their clueless and isolationist ideals are an absolute real threat and it's time we get some of them back on the straight and narrow.

Ever wonder why the liberal media continues to build Paul up and not delve deep into his radical, even racial bemoanings? Think about it and it won’t take long to understand why.

Paul is their path to victory.

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