Monday, August 11, 2008

Best-Selling Book Reveals Obama Truths Media is Ignoring

Wow. Just started reading "Obamanation" a new #1 seller on the New York Times list by Jerome Corsi and all I can say, as an avid anti-Obama blogger, is that I am SHOCKED and AWED at what I did NOT know about this man and his campaign.

Writer Corsi was recently on the Sean Hannity show and FoxNews Channel and this book is a real shocker with facts backed by reputable sources, government documents and comments by his own family!

Get yours today and spread the word to all of those that are undecided.

1 comment:

Olá sou Adrielle, mãe, mineira, casada e apaixonada pela vida. said...

qwrwcjAdorei seu blog!!!
Visite o meu.

Beijos e abraços!!