Monday, September 1, 2008

McCain Will Win Whitehouse Just Like Bush 20 Years Ago

It is 1988 all over again and my prediction is McCain will win the Whitehouse by a similar margin of victory as George Bush did over Michael Dukakis with about 53-54% of the popular vote.

America was ready for a "change" in 1988. Though Reagan was loved by most, his 8 years ended with conflicts and controversies much like the administration of George W. Bush will this year. Bush Sr. had a tough job, but in the end, Americans made the smart choice and voted to allow the Republican party to retain the Whitehouse for "4 more years". Dukakis was popular, had tons of celebrity support, but just wasn't ready to lead the greatest nation in the world.

This year it will be dejavu all over again.

McCain is simply the smartest choice and when push comes to shove enough people with brains will turn out and make the wise decision. Yes, there are a lot of ignorant people in this country that have fallen into a state of psychotic obamanaia (including Oprah) that will vote for him, but let your heart not be troubled.

A motivational speaker, who is using his skin color to gain votes, who can make celebrities weep their eyelids off, that refuses to even salute or shake the hands of soldiers in Iraq, that attended a church for 20 years whose pastor spews nothing but racial hate and anger towards this amazing nation, who does nothing but complain about how bad America is or apologizes to the world for America, and appears to lack true patriotism just won't be chosen by the majority of people in this country.

Remember, America is still a center-right leaning country. Most are either conservative and moderates in their thinking. Obama is one of the most liberal candidates in American history.

Here are the top reasons why Obama cannot and will not win this election:

1. Americans are generally proud of their country. Obama appears to lack true patriotism.
2. Though most want the Iraq war to end we cannot fail now. Pulling out early would waste 5 years of work, demean the lives that have been lost, and send a signal of weakness to the world.
3. His foreign policy of meeting with insane national leaders is just...well...insane. You cannot rationalize or befriend people who train their people to strap bombs to themselves, children and desire to destroy America and Israel.
4. His lack of experience. He has none. McCain's vice presidential running mate has tons more experience than Obama does. She has been a mayor, a corporate executive and even a state governor. He has been a senator for just a few years and spent most of that time not casting votes and working on his campaign to become president.
5. His celebrity following and Messiah like complex will turn most away. Filling up a football stadium for a superbowl-like meeting was cool, but his ego and Hollywood support will drive millions away from him. Being label as "the One we have been waiting for" is just too over the top for most.
6. Obama is connected to too many racists, terrorists and other people with legal, moral and/or ethical issues. They include Khalidi, Ayers, Wright, Rezko, Farrakhan, and others from Kenya.
7. Biden will say something stupid. Simple as that.
8. He is simply too liberal. He wants to reduce our military, control guns, silence the free speech of talk radio, bring nationalized controlled health care, increase taxes, increase spending to pay for all of his promises, redistribute earnings and wealth so that all Americans are equal, place liberal judges onto the Supreme Court and much, much more.
9. He has not provided details on HOW he will do all he promises. Those are some big promises and none of them are free. It appears he does not really have a plan. He is just saying what people want to hear.
10. He will make the government bigger. The government rarely does anything better than the private sector, which is why the best schools, hospitals and organizations are non-government entities.
11. He supports late term and even partial birth abortions and suggested his daughters would have one if they ever got pregnant as a teen saying, "But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby". Wow.
12. He will fail and flop in the debates. Just review the Saddleback Civil Forum for how McCain will do against the too-concerned-about-being-politically-correct Obama. Not to mention Obama has no experience to draw on to answer questions. McCain should slaughter him.
13. McCain will now be seen as the real agent of change in Washington by selecting Palin as his running mate. Barack was supposed to be this new candidate who was going to bring non-Washington likes to the world of Washington politics. Instead Obama has suddenly become the same ol' same ol' Democratic candidate, who just sounds more exciting than others in the past and just so happens to be black. He selected a running mate who has been entrenched in DC for decades. Nothing else is really any different than those before him. All spewed about how bad America was and how we needed change. Blah, blah, blah.
14. Obama's "change" platform is nothing new and eerily similar to the campaign words of McGovern, Carter, Dukakis, Gore, Clinton and Kerry. All lost or are regarded by most as terrible presidents. Carter was the worst ever.

Here are the reasons we cannot ALLOW him to win:

1. We can overturn Roe vs. Wade and many other terribly unjust and wrong recent Supreme Court decisions with just one more conservative, Constitutionally true judge. The next president will likely nominate two judges. God forbid Obama is given that kind of power.
2. Israel will be the center of the end times, that is clear. But we have a moral and ethical obligation to continue to protect and support Israel. Obama has no real desire or interest in the Jewish nation. He says he does, but what he says and what he believes are two different things. Read his own autobiographies to find out for yourself. Everything he learned from his mentors was anti-Semitic and anti-white America in nature.
3. With Obama the economy would get worse. It is not the nations fault that people bought houses they really could not afford. It is not our fault that people spend too much, save nothing and prepare for little. Yet Obama wants the government to rescue them. That means higher taxes on those that run companies. That equates to jobs being eliminated. I know, I own a company. Those that vote for Obama that work for me would be slitting their own employment throats. I would have to pay higher personal and corporate taxes and I would not fire myself. Duh.
4. Obama wants a highly run governmental health care system that makes Hillarycare look like a conservative system. His is scary. It would never happen even if he got elected, but rather than having to deal with the outside possibility of it he needs to lose. Yes we need some health care and insurance reform but nationalized health care? No. There is not one nation in this world with nationalized health care anyone can find that works and provides the level of care and service privatized health care does. Sorry Michael Moore. You lied yet you made millions off those same dumb people that will vote for Obama.

In summary, McCain is going to win. I just know it.

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