Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Palin Gives Acceptance Speech for History Books

Palin Power is in full effect.

Marching down from her small town home in Alaska, Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin accepted the Republican nomination tonight in a rousing, speech of the ages in defense of her political career and experience and in bold support of Presidential candidate John S McCain.

When the speech was over one FoxNews political analyst told a democratic campaign strategist, "Democrats, you've got problems."

Zero vs. Hero" came to the forefront as a new campaign slogan as Palin, matching the eloquence of Barack Obama stride for stride, made serious stabs to the Barack campaign all while smiling like a local PTA mother of five. Her jabs were funny, true and delivered with such a punch that even the most blind, left-winged liberal would have to bow down in honor of the greatness of her delivery.

Sorry Hillary, your self-centered run is over. It's Palin Power time.

I can only hope I can instill in my two daughters the kind of will, determination, strength, posture and resolve this wife and mother of five is demonstrating to the women of the world.
She should inspire everyone.

Yes, you can, Sarah Palin. You go girl.

"Some politicians use 'change' to promote their careers, while others use their careers to promote change" - Gov. Sarah Palin (AK), September 3, 2008.

Let the battle begin.

Raising McCain
Palin Power

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