Saturday, November 1, 2008

He Can't Even Take Care of His Own...

Obama talks such a big game about us being "our brother's keeper" and that we ALL have an obligation to "share the wealth". His running mate Biden claims it is our patriotic "duty" to pay more in taxes.

Why? They claim it is so those with little can have more by taking away from those who have a lot.

Problem is, Obama cannot even take care of his own!

His brother lives in a shack in Kenya living on less than a dollar a month. It was discovered yesterday that his Aunt lives in a slum in Boston. Today, it is revelaed that she is in the country illegally of all things.!

Mr. Community Servant himself doesn't even reach out to his own flesh and blood...

If Obama cannot even take care of his own (he is a muti-millionaire), how we are to believe his promises to take care of the rest of those in America? He won't. He is simply saying what he needs to say to get votes...just like every politician before him. He claims to be an agent of "change" but he is a wolf in sheeps clothing, my friend. The sad thing is if more than 50% of Americans act as stupid as it appears they might and actually vote for his man, he could be our leader in a matter of hours.

The only bill this man really proposed in Congresss was a bill that would send nearly $1billion overseas to help poor people. Yet, we have people like HIS OWN FAMILY HERE that he doesn't even bother to stop and help.

Shame on you Obama. In my world we call this hypocrisy.

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