Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Turning a New Leaf

After spending some time in the Ozarks last weekend with my wife away from it all, I have had a chance to reflect, regain some hope, and mentally decide "yes, it is worth it all!". Conservative Light is in fact alive and well, though posts will certainly be minimal until our next round of elections. Truth is I enjoy it, many people seem to agree, and others like to debate me in emails. Makes for a lot of fun, and what else do I have to do but work on my business, be a father to three, a husband, an active church member and keep up my other blogs? Without this I might get bored...

A week ago the people of this nation made their selection of who would be the next President of the greatest nation in the world. Barack Obama is now our man, at least for the next 4 years.

Despite our efforts, the GOP failed to win enough votes. Sadly, nearly 40% of those that call themselves "Christians" voted for a man that supports abortions to the extreme. The fact that so many did makes me question their true faith in Christ. God may not care about our health care, taxes, or our economy, but He certainly cares about life. Christians failed America last Tuesday night by selecting a candidate based on political party affiliation, race or other external factors. Had half of them voted for the party that respects and values life, McCain would be getting ready for the Whitehouse. But I digress. More on that topic will come in another post soon.

Thankfully, true conservatism is not dead. In many states, votes were cast that supported conservative, biblical values, such as the anti-gay marriage law passed in California. It is true, most Americans see themselves as "center-right" people. Liberalism is a fad that runs with Hollywood types, the media pundits and poorer people. Most people in American still value conservative ideals such as respecting life, keeping taxes low, keeping government small, reducing government spending, respecting religious freedoms, and having a strong military. Thankfully, McCain/Palin got over 50,000,000 votes for values like these they supported.

Obama simply had all the money, all the media support, the race factor, the great speaking ability, youthfulness and looks. McCain appeared old, out-of-touch, unwilling to fight, and had 1/10th of the money to spend.

Our hopes rely on the fact that we can still filibuster Congressional moves we don't like, and that we have revived our party. 2010 and 2012 will give us a chance to retake more seats in Congress and maybe win back the Whitehouse.

Already Obama is backing off of campaign promises, just like Clinton did in the 90s, and preparing his followers to swallow the idea that his hands are tied due to the economy. Just get ready. Raising taxes on nearly everyone is likely soon to follow. Even Senate majority leader Pelosi stated that Obama is coming in as the President with the highest expectations of any other. He can thank the liberal media platform he was given for that.

Regardless, the truth is, as conservatives now in the minority, we must embrace our new leader and respect the position if nothing else. We must pray for and support him when he is right. We must pray for and debate him when he is wrong. Above all, we must hold him accountable over the next 4 years of all of the promises he made that won him this election. (my list of those will be forthcoming).

Our nation depends on conservatives and the GOP and we need to prepare ourselves for a comeback once Obamamania begins to dwindle. The GOP needs to get younger, more active, more energetic, attract younger followers, clearly define our moral and political stances on issues and above all pray for God to help us save our nation from the moral decay liberalism always seems to bring with it.

Best of all, God is in control, even of Obama. Let's just pray God doesn't allow us to sleep in the bed we just made.

1 comment:

just a guy said...

Thanks for the over-arching view of where we all are right now, post-election. I truly hope this country has done the right thing in choosing our 44th President. (Are you impressed that I know he's the 44th? I looked it up). On one hand, I see the choice motivated by exorbitant amounts of money spent (Money wins elections? Go figure!), media darling endorsement (Go figure more!), the siren-song of rhetoric to the uninformed and simple (urrggh!) and the desperate need of many for a 'savior'. (Anyone interested in a SAVIOR, instead?) So, I hope it'll be OK. But if we've truly goofed up, then may God give us grace and help us undo what harm the next 4 years bring.

While we're figuring that all out, truly, we do need to pray for our country and her leaders. I'm dedicating myself to pray every day for wisdom for the President and his staff, for our role in the international community, and for Obama's salvation if he doesn't already have it...which is a thing for solely (pardon the pun) him and Him to discuss, but we all have our opinions. What a hoot it would be to have the President of the US come to know Christ in office!! Cool--no more burning Christians in the arenas...which is figuratively (mostly) what goes on today in America, to be sure. Largely our fault, I think. We play into the hands of the devil more often than we know, and in doing so, isolate ourselves from the very people God wants us to love. Irony of ironies.

Well, it's freakin' late, and I've got to teach small children tomorrow the specific merits of adverbs, collaborative reading, and the nuances of foreshadowing. Besides, I've pretty much drained any political views I own...and it didn't take too long, did it?

Love ya! See ya soon-

Elsk noe dag deg ikke må slite en tux til din kamerats bryllupet, og som du ikke jaget blir av llama flinkt kledd på som Bigfoot!
