Wednesday, January 28, 2009

GOP United, Dems Will Take Full Responsibility

Today was another historic day in the first 100 days of the Obama adminstration as the Democratic controlled House voted to give away $800,000,000,000 in funds intended to somehow ignite our struggling economy. Maybe I missed something, but I have always been told when in debt, getting more debt is NOT the method by which you get OUT of debt....

As Rep. Roscoe Bartlett said, "Mr. President, I think our obsessive borrowing has fully mortgaged my kids and my grandkids. Now we're working on mortgaging my two great-grandkids. Mr. President, I think it's more than a little bit selfish to try to solve our economic problems which we created by burdening future generations yet to be born!"

For those that voted for Obama and to those that see liberal spending as the answer to all things, if this plan fails (history has shown this approach will) it will be on YOUR shoes. The Dems caused the begining of this economic crisis by pushing laws that required banks give home ownership to people who don't pay thier bills. Now the Dems are going to give companies that have proven their inability to produce profit centers even more money!

Does any of this make sense?

No one has bailed out my company during the tough times we have had! We have to had make our own way in order to survive and THAT IS the American way!

Conservatives have united, thanks to every member of the GOP that voted against this "bailout" today.

Let's make sure we remember this day...

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