Sunday, September 6, 2009

Great Obama Discussion From Facebook

Brady Speers - This is unreal! My kids would simply not attend that day and would write alternative letters!!Critics Decry Obama's 'Indoctrination' Plan for Students -

Political News -
A suggested lesson plan that calls on students to write letters to themselves about what they can do to help President Obama following his address to students nationwide is troubling and establishes the president as a...

Scott McMahon -I have already called my sons school yesterday and informed them that he will NOT be participating in this video...these folks think they own us and it will get worse if we dont stand up to them...

September 2 at 1:02pm ·

Dawn Moriarty Funderburk - Hey-thanks for the heads up on the obama speech in schools. I had no idea until I read it on your FB and now I feel so much more informed. I have called the schools and talked with my boys' teachers and they are not showing it in our classes. Thanks again!
Kristi Price Loy - Brady, do you know if there's a way to find out which schools are actually going to show it and have these activities?

Scott McMahon - Sorry to but in, but it is my understanding that all public schools are going to view the emperor's speach.

Kristi Price Loy - Hmmmm... is it too late to send my kids to private school? :-)

Becky Speers Jensen - wow....amazing! Point of View with Kirby Anderson on KVTT was talking about having Government Health Clinics in all Public High Schools. This would allow students to get healthcare at school. Planned Parenthood is who will be in charge of health exams for teenage girls and sex ed......what is our country becoming???? Crazy!! People need to educate themselves and this Health Care Bill. Pg. 99 is where the details of this school clinic is.

Kristi Price Loy - wonderful!
Becky Speers Jensen - sorry...that was page 992 of the Health Care it........

Dawn Moriarty Funderburk - I just called my kid's schools and they do not know anything about it as of right now. Do all schools have to participate?

Amy Torres - Parents need to stay involved in the education of their children, and we all need to watch out for the wolf in sheep's clothing. This is the link to the source where I read about sons school knew exactly what I was talking about, however, there is no mention of it on the school site, letter to parents, etc....

Dawn Moriarty Funderburk - I find it odd that my kid's schools had no knowledge of it if it supposed to happen next Tuesday.

Brady Speers - It's all over Education Department website

Jeff Ellington - little history fact. do you know who created the Dept of Education?
Jimmy Carter. and education been down hill ever since.

Karan Anderson Wroten - Parents, your claws better come out on this. Teachers have enough on their plate and don't need to waste our children's time on this junk. What about TAKS? Don't get me started.

Jeff Ellington - Mark Davis on WBAP was talking about this, this morn. Mine isn't at school age but Karan is right, you guys that do have a little one in school, need to fight this hard!

Brady Speers - I mean writing a letter is one thing, but stroking Obama's ego is just going over the top. Maybe do something you promised you would Obama, like being different than the others, and you will get the praise you are due! Did we ask the same when Bush was in office? No, of course not.

David Ogletree - I"m sure you doing a good job instilling them with hate towards those who don't agree with you. I'm about to just stop using Facebook. I'm very tired of all this hate speech. I think Christians need to go back and read the Bible instead of spending all their time hating everybody. Christians are known by the world as hateful mean people. That is not the image that the Bible tells us to give. I hardly remember you from college and all I really know about you from facebook is that you hate Obama and all things Democrat. You should work on what you are known for.

Becky Speers Jensen - There are people all over the world that give up their lives to stand up for the TRUTH and are obedient to what GOD tells us what is true and not what MAN says is true. God tells us to be bold and to stand up and not back down! Jesus was tortured and beaten because of what he stood for. He gave His life for me and David, He have his life for you. He paid the ultimate price for sin.....death. We are called as Christians to live by a different standard than that of the world.

Renee Rogers Mcclung - The goal of the speech and the lesson plans is to challenge students to work hard in school, to not drop out and to meet short-term goals like behaving in class, doing their homework.

You think in Texas were we are ranked 42nd in the education system you would be happy that our President is actually doing soemthing to help our children.

The fact that parents would keep their child out of school rather than listen to the PRESIDENT speak is ridiculos.... Read More

Here's and idea. Rather than teach your children to turn their back on people that they don't agree with, why don't you teach them to:
1) respect their elders and listen to what they have to say, even if they don't agree.
2) respect their PRESIDENT.

Just because your child listens to the president speak about staying in school, doesn't mean that they are going to turn in into Democrats. The fact is, they are way more intrested in Spongebob and GI Joe, than to listen to thier dad rant and rave about the President.

Jeff Ellington - good news is it's been withdrawn (kinda), bad news is, it's still out there...

The Obama administration is rethinking its course recommendations for students ahead of President Obama's address to the the nation's schoolchildren next week, rewriting its suggestions to teachers for student assignments on how to "help the president,"

Melisa Wright - I think if it were a republican's guys would be all for it. In many people's eyes..he can do no right. Do you forget that it was republican's that caused our deficit. Our economy is actually picking up. I'm not republican or democratic; however, I think we all need to be objective and really pay attention to the world we live in and... Read More what is/has been going on. Your beloved Bush/Cheney...why don't you really find out what those snakes were up to. Dig deep. I have a problem with things being forced on us...but, sometimes we need it. When adults can't make good decisions...they need to be treated like a child.

Jeff Ellington - Funny you sound like a Democrat.

Renee Rogers Mcclung - She sounds like someone who is completely right. If it was anyone else but Obama in the school trying to help our children you guys would be all for it!

Jeff Ellington - no, Bush talked at a Jr high (i think) and I was just as against him as I am Obama. School is school, reading, writing, math, science, history, art. period. no politics...

David Ogletree - For starters he has not done anything yet and he only plans to tell kids to stay in school. There has never been any plans to say anything else. Christ never spoke out against the Gov of his time which was a very evil Gov. Christ & Paul could have made a big deal about how unfair the Gov was and never did. There is not one instance in the Bible that gives us any Christian mandate to speak out against the Gov. As a matter of fact it gives us a mandate to spread the Gospel. We are to be in the world not of the world. Our lives are to show only love to others. Go ask any random non christian and ask them what Christians are known for and I assure you the vast majority will not say nice things.

David Ogletree - You should be telling your children to respect their leaders instead of showing them by your actions and speech how much you disrespect them.

Jeff Ellington - David, yes the bible does say "to be in the world not of the world" and yes Jesus and Paul did not "speak out" against the Roman Empire, BUT we as Christians should look at the whole bible not just the parts we like. did not Saul, David, Joshua, and many others fight to protect and keep Israel out of bondage and escape from one oppessor or another. I pray daily on what I should do, and the answer I get back time and again is, fight! Gods power and glory will be shown though the fight weather we win or lose. Win or lose I will fight until I can't anymore. with my voice, vote, money, time, and with my sword and fist, if I must...

To stick with the "Roman" theme, I'm not going to stand around and do nothing when our Rome is burning around us. And I am sure not going to sit and watch Obama plays the fiddle.

Don't mean to be jumping on you David, really don't, but I will not teach my son to respect someone, some belief system, some philosophy that is SO Anti God and Christ.

David Ogletree - So your saying that Saul & David are better than Jesus & Paul. With your logic we should start a Christian militia and slaughter Obama and anybody that does not support your beliefs and start a Theocracy. The current administration does not come close to what the Roman empire did. Lets say all your baseless accusations are true. How is it evil ... and unchristian to make sure all people get medical help. I think you need to go study the good Samaritan a little more. Your statement goes against the New Testament. Paul even told us to go the extra mile not to start a group to speak out against the unfairness of making people carry soldiers stuff for one mile. The Jews were very upset that Jesus did not overthrow the Government. So upset in fact they used their political power to kill him. Your actions sound more like that of the Pharasies than of Jesus. All he did and what he told us to do was to ignore that stuff and spread the Gospel. How do your actions spread the Gospel.

Brady Speers - Wow. Now THIS is what America is all about. Now, I will not respond to David directly, since I never personally attacked him as he did me, but I will say this - we should teach our children to respect the OFFICE of the President in all cases, but not every President is a man worthy of PERSONAL respect (i.e. Clinton who cheated on his wife in the OVAL OFFICE). We can sit around in our Christian bubble and let evil rule the world while we sip our non-alocholic drinks, listen to our "christian music" while wearing our "christian clothing" or we can be active and stand up against ideas and values that totally oppose what the Bible itself stands for such as abortion for one. The Bible is full of stories and situations in which GOD HIMSELF destroyed entire nations for immorality and values such as what America is now headed towards. And if Christ and God the Father are one, ding, ding, ding, we have a winner Johnny!

Brady Speers - Furthermore, Christ himself said we would be hated by the world. HATED and DESPISED just as he was. (John 15:8) Walk into a crowd and talk about Jesus and people will walk away. Walk into the same crowd and talk about Mohammed and they will listen and applaud. Christians spend too much trying to be loved and accepted by the world. Christ made it clear there would be a line in the end times and you would either be on one side or the other. Yes, we are to love our neighbors on a one-on-one basis, but we are to stand up FOR CHRIST, against the world, if need be. This President stands for abortion, wants my taxes to pay for abortions, wants the acceptance of all religions as a pathway to God and there is much more I could discuss that this man believes in that are totally contrary to Christ, but space will not allow.

Brady Speers - Finally, if the President wants to speak to our children only about education I am all for it and would think it to be pretty darn cool. But only after I KNOW what it is he plans to say. All he needs to do is reveal to us parents his transcript so we can make that choice. I will not allow the most powerful man in the world free reign into the minds of my children without my consent. No way Jose. Sadly, Obama will likely use this platform to push his socialistic agenda and political plans every so suttly for sure. After all, many of these kids will be the age to vote when his re-election bid comes around and if you don't think his advisors are thinking about that, you (meaning whoever) are a fool.

Jeff Ellington - David, you just said that you don't like all the "haters" here on FBK but so far, you've been the most hateful, in this comments link...

Just because I disagree with how this admin. on what it wants to do, your saying I want to start a Theocracy...

Just because I disagree, you say I want to kill Obama...... Read More

Just because I disagree, you say I want to start a militia...

I have said none of these things...

The good Samaritan did what did he out of God calling on him to do it. and he did, with his free will. He was not FORCED by the government or God to do it, he choose to do it. the bible, is not just the New Testament, it is the Old and the New. By just looking at the New testament you are just as blind as the Jewish leaders of today, who look at only the Old.

It is not evil and unchristian to want to make sure people get medical help and neither is it evil and unchristian to disagree with how we are going to do it.
September 3 at 9:04pm ·

Jeff Ellington - no, disrespect to Brady (or you either David) just being spirited in my defense of Our (we the People) way of life.

David Ogletree - He is going to release what he is going to say before he does it. It is Gods right to destroy a nation for immorality but it is his job alone. If we go into a crowd and talk about Jesus your right people will hate us for that. My problem is that we have a reputation for being hateful people. I worked at Olive Garden one time & you could win an award to pick your own schedule. I asked why they never picked Sunday and they said "that is the worst time. It is the busiest and it is the God squad. They don't tip and they complain the most". People in the public eye talk about how the first wave of hate mail is always Christians. Churches have become so partisan that it is almost impossible for a Democrat to attend Sunday School because it often turns into a Political rally. Pres Bush had the power at one point to do pretty much whatever he wanted and Abortion is still legal. If the Republican party really wanted to make it illegal they could. They are just stringing you along.

Jeff Ellington - Boy wow, where to begin. You know what David you get the last word cuz I'm getting a nose bleed.... Just last thing, pick better Churches... I have never been in one that has done what you are talking about. maybe I've been lucky (or blessed) either way, you want to dump on Christians, which is funny cuz you say you are one (and I believe you when you do). it seems you have alot of self hate about that. So, I'm out...

Pray for you brother.

Jeff Ellington - not looking good for Mr. Obama...

Brady Speers - I agree. Our church is wonderful and loves all people. We do have our issues, and many Christians give Christ a bad name (I do so myself at times) but for the most part, the Christians I know are real, loving, and very charitable. This has nothing do with this dialoge however regarding Obama speaking to our kids, so not sure how we ended up here. I am out...

Brady Speers - FYI, most of the nations God destroyed he did so by using the Israelites (actual people with swords and chariots) or by allowing them to destroy themselves such as the Roman Empire. Rarely did he destroy nations without the help of human beings the way he did with Sodom and Gomorrah.

Dave Curlee - So.... how's everybody doing here?

Dave Curlee - just my 2cents. I have no problem with Obama, Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy... who ever the president is addressing school kids. That's cool. But I want his message, (and he does serve at the will of We The People), to be, "study hard, read read read, do your math, listen to your parents, help others, work hard and you can be president to."

I'm also cool if Mr T, Arnold Schartzenager, Newt Gingrich, Ashton Kutcher or Dog the Bounty Hunter do that. No problem there.

What I don't like is that when you couple this, with all the other stuff coming out of the admin, both policy-wise and's starting to look.... familiar....
September 3 at 10:50pm · DeleteDave CurleeNow I know y'all are gonna take this out of context and there may be some screaming, but.... Hitler understood that if you could get one generation early enough, you could change the country or world.

Nicolae Ceauşescu in Romania knew this to be true as well. I have FRIENDS who were indoctrinated by him and his secret police... who were in government orphanages.... who were brought out to wave adoringly at him as he passed...

My kids are mine. God entrusted Kat and Me to raise them. No one is going to usurp that. Right wing, left, middle, confused... doesn't matter.

Remember, this is a government by the people, for the people... let that sink in. WE the people. We don't serve them. They serve us. We have every DUTY to question them, to hold them accountable, to remove them when they do wrong. It's our responsibility the result of their actions. Whether good or bad, we put them there and we must hold them accountable. ...

Dave Curlee - I don't hate President Obama, I think is very wrong on many many things. And I don't trust him to NOT try to indoctrinate our kids. It's not my actions that are causing that mistrust... I'm not the one who says one thing and then does another....

Brady Speers - Good stuff my friend Curlee. Good stuff. In light of what was just released about yet another of his appointees believing 9/11 was an inside job (sound familiar Rev Wright?!?) there is a lot America did NOT question before giving this man the most important seat in the world. Now that he is in it, it is OUR job to control him, not his job to control us. If he wants to cheer our kids on, that is awesome. But kids can watch it online later, after parents view it and DECIDE they want their kids to see it. That's the way it should be. Period end of story. We make the call when it comes to our kids, not even the President.

Jeff Ellington - Good stuff D. Curlee, good stuff. WE raise our kids, not the Gov... right or left...

Jeff Ellington - And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what your can do for your country. -JFK

Above all, tell the Truth - S. Cleveland

I am heartily rejoiced that my term is so near its close. I will so cease to be a servant and will become a sovereign. - James Polk

Melisa Wright - Above all, tell the Truth...yeah, Bush, Cheney...that's definitely their motto. Cheney is an evil, evil man; do your research people before you judge Obama. So far, our economy is starting to pick up and he wants to keep kids in school....hum, doesn't sound so bad. It's been just a few months and things are starting to get better. If parents can't keep their kids in school, off drugs, practicing safe (I prefer NO) sex, etc.....someone has to speak out and try something new. Our country is excusing inexcusable crimes, turning the other cheek.....most people should be ashamed of themselves. I am a sinner like everyone else but I am honest, have good morals, treat other people like I want to be treated.....can you really say that about people like Cheney????? NO I don't decide who dies....have no regard for others only my pocket book and my power. I think Obama has a tough job....seriously. At least he's not trying to fatten his pockets and "turning the other cheek".

Jeff Ellington - Really Melisa? better? 16% unemployment is better? Gas at 2.50 here in Texas better(higher in other parts of the country)? wanting to change our form of government to Socialism is better? government control of banks and car companies and healthcare is better? A President who surrounds himself with dangerous people better?

Someone who is a racist- Rev Wright
someone who is a communist- Van Jones
someone who will ledgelate from the bench- Sotomayor... Read More
someone who is a known terrorist- Bill Ayers

these people are friends of or work for Obama, this is what you think is better? and the list could go on and on....

NAME 1, just 1 lie that Bush and Cheney said... and back it up. was he a great President? no but he was a devoted American who worked everyday to protect this country.

Do my research on Obama, since 07 and everyday since....

Dave Curlee - Yeah, could someone explain to me how spending us in to a 12 trillion (that's thousand billion - kind of a lot) debt is better. Ok, we were at the 2 - 3 trillion dollar debt under Bush / Cheney... Who added the extra 9 Trillion (again, that's 9 thousand billion - a little more than the average household earns).

And Jeff's right, If VP Cheney is evil, please enumerate those evils. Same goes for Bush. List them out please.

Please explain to me how those two moved the country further towards socialism. Please list out the folks they surround(ed) themselves with that are:... Read More
-supporters of communist countries

Please show me the folks in their administration or personal lives that promote statism. That promote that we should serve our government. That we should all suffer a little for the common good....

Give me those names please. I wanna read up on those Bush / Cheney cronies that believe / promote those things.

Melisa Wright - The unemployment crisis started well before he took office...remember that. Rev Wright....yes a racist. I don't say that I am "ok" with everything...I'm not all or nothing kinda person. I do have a problem with some of his relationships. I'm just saying don't discount and see bad in everything he does because he's a democrat. I just worked out...starving now, must eat. I will respond again to your last post.

Dave Curlee - I don't think any of us are discounting everything he's doing because he's a democrat. It goes beyond that. Republican / Democrat / Whigg.. whatever. It's the decisions he's making and the people he surrounds himself with... that's what causes us to not trust him.

I'll be damned if I'm gonna just blindly follow. I don't do that with any leader. These are people, not gods.

I didn't go with the "bush can do no wrong" stuff either. He made some dumb mistakes. I do think he was really trying to help, but I also think he did some dumb stuff. It just turns out that Obama is doing a lot more dumb stuff. And his dumb stuff is really hurting or poised to hurt us. Tell me please what is Brady to do as payroll taxes increase. Is he expected to make every move with altruism? Or is he expected to 1, provide for his family, and 2. provide for his corporation.

If his company is to survive and thus, ensure that his family survives... his focus will be on cutting costs...and as those payroll taxes increase... he'll look for ways to maintain equilibrium... and that doesn't mean, dropping his salary drastically and letting his family suffer. Now I know him, and have seen him in tough straights with his company. I've seen him pay my salary and not his. He's paid his dues and risked more than any employee of his... Read More. So when those taxes start to increase, so that all this out-of-control spending can be paid for... the unemployed level will increase a bit... as they walk out of EH.. and into the unemployment office.

That's not a democrat or republican thing. That's a conservative / liberal thing. Conservatives want people to keep more of what they earn so that they can have more $ to employ people.

Margaret Thatcher said that the problem with socialism is that eventually, you run out of other people's money.... having to pay down a 12 trillion dollar debt is gonna cause that kind of a problem....for your kids and mine, and our grand children.

Melisa Wright - First, I am far more conservative than liberal; just an fyi. Also, I think it's great that you speak so highly of Brady and the sacrifices he has made for his employees. For alot of republican's it is a democratic/republican thing. I just got home so...I'm going to need some time to find specific references for you guys as to why I said the things I said. Cheney and Rumsfeld are old school evil....that is my opinion. We all think differently and things that I view as immoral or wrong isn't necessarily going to be the same as others. Ultimately, I am not the one that matters. Cheney is a sick man, physically and mentally. Does he sleep well at night??? I do. I'll get back within a couple "business" days with specifics.

Melisa Wright - Ours is archiving it and putting it on the school website so that families can make the individual choice.......good decision.

Brady Speers - Ok I really want to get this thing to 100 comments!! I will respond with more later right now it is time to hang with my girls

Brady Speers - Ok, just for the record, Melisa, the US Congress has been in total control by democrats since 2006. The recession started sometime from 2006-2008. Bush was a lame duck President by then. So those that made the decisions to allow people that could not afford homes to get loans anyway were not the GOP who have had little power since 2006. Now I agree but he is now our President that has clearly been tied and associated with people that spew hate about our country and terrorists that even bombed the Pentago and say 9/11 was a govt event! Bush started as a great President but ended up making some poor decisions by giving these huge companies money and running our national debt even higher. Now Obama has added another 3 trillion to it in just 8 months. But don't drink the CNN coolaid that this recession was Bush's. It wasn't and the facts are very clear once you look at them. Regardless, it is now Obama's to fix and...

Brady Speers - he has done NOTHING to affect change. It is now HIS economy. The blame it on Bush concept won't work anymore which is why Obama's poll numbers are below 45%!!! As far as it being a "tough job" I would say 1). this is why we were fools to elect a man with 18 mos of experience as a senator and nothing more. 2). I would say "poor baby". Yes, it is the toughest job in the world. That is why you need a person that has a respected track record, experience and strength. Obama may have strength, but he has very little of the other two. He won because he was "cool" and gave moving speeches (and they were) and on promises of being different but he isn't. Regardless for me, he is the most liberal thinking man ever in control of our country, and that alone is the reason I don't like the dude. The immoral, anti-biblical ideals he supports and endorses will bring the judgment of God on our nation even more than it already is.

Sat at 11:36pm

Brady Speers - Now, let's keep this going people so we can hit 100 comments! COMON!!!

Brady Speers - Ok, just heard Obama is releasing his education speech transcript on Monday. He must be reading this conversation OR, his advisor (Axelrod) grew a brain. That was all he needed to do.

Jeff Ellington - "...So those that made the decisions to allow people that could not afford homes to get loans anyway were not the GOP who have had little power since 2006...." Speers.

Just to touch on this point by Brady, Freddie Mac and Fannie May where started by the Carter Admin back in the 70s and expanded during the Clinton Admin in the 90s. there was warning bells about Freddie and Fannie but during the hearing about them having problems back around 06, all the Congressional leaders in charge of overseeing Freddie and Fannie said everything was great, no problems. Of course we now know that this democratic leaders in congress where on the take from lobbist for Freddie and Fannie and many of them got "special" loans from Freddie and Fannie and alot of other shady deals...

Jeff Ellington - ...VERY much like the S & L scandal that Congress had in the 80s & 90s. The Bush Admin tried to reform and restore Freddie and Fannie but his ideas where shot down by the Democrat Congress.

But we can be very clear. the Freddie and Fannie problems are very much a Democrat problem. and the people know it...

Jeff Ellington - I want to touch on the statements that Cheney and Rummy are Evil but don't have time before work today. also want to go back to healthcare (I know, jumping around, arn't I?) but again no time before work, so I'll be back later. C ya.

Brady Speers - Fun, fun. Where did our buddy Ogletree go? and Melisa? Guess the heat in the kitchen got too hot...

Brady Speers - jump over to this discussion - good stuff people -

Dawn Moriarty Funderburk - Hey thanks for the heads up on the obama speech in schools. I had no idea until I read it on your FB and now I feel so much more informed. I have called the schools and talked with my boys' teachers and they are not showing it in our classes. Thanks again!

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