Saturday, July 2, 2011

Finally We Can Get Serious About Booting Obama

After nearly 3 years of failed policies, increasing America's debt to historical proportions and blaming Bush for everything, even many Liberals are starting to agree that Obama is making Jimmy Carter look more like Reagan every day.

Could it be any worse?

Yes. If he wins again in 2012.

No matter what, the Conservatives need to understand this one thing. There are more conservatives than liberals and most moderates lean more to the right than the left.

We can win this standing our grounds and demanding a true conservative candidate!

It's not hard. We need someone that will focus on the economy, national security and moral values.

But for most, the economy tops the list. Less spending and less taxes means more jobs. And more jobs, means more workers. And more workers means more spending. More spending means more jobs and better economy.

Romney is too "perfect" for my taste and his Romnicare debacle in his home state will fry him.
Palin would get shredded again.
Bachman sounds great but are we really ready for a woman President?
Cain is perfect, but has no money and his lack of political experience will get him shredded.

I am telling you now what I think it could be.

Rick Perry and Sarah Palin in 2012.

Perry has a slam dunk win and Palin has the extra votes he would need.

Get ready. You might not like him and sometimes I don't either....but who else can take the Obama train down?

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