Friday, August 5, 2011

Obummer Destroys U.S. Credit Among Other Things

Since 1917 the United States has had a AAA credit rating. Just 15 minutes ago we all learned that President Obama has just ruined that too.

Our credit rating survived WWI, WWII, Korean War, The Depression, Cold War, Gas Crisis, Jimmy Carter, 9/11, Iraq War, Hurricanes, but it could not survive this one President.

This disaster of a Presidency is getting worse by the day. The savior he and his followers claimed he would be hasn't saved one damn thing in nearly 3 years. He and his congressional partners have no clue what the heck they are doing. Their policies are flawed. They are spending us into oblivion. And, the government is growing to unbelievable proportions.

Can you even imagine what would be happening had we not won the election in 2010?????!!!!!

I am speechless right now. He is way worse than we all thought he would be.

We better pray "change" gets booted the hell out of Washington in 2012 or we are headed straight there faster than we already were...

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