Thursday, November 8, 2012

Obama, History In Real Time

Now that we know we get Obama for four more years, we have to face the reality of what is happening right before our eyes.

I believe the Obama administration will go down as one of the most powerful, corrupt Presidencies in our history. This is like watching Season 5 of "24" in real life. How this man got elected to begin with is frankly one of the biggest mysteries of our countries history. He has changed the fabric of our country and people have fallen for America’s first black President like none other.

Here are is a simple list of the items we need to remember when looking back in history that surrounded his first 4 years in office. Who knows what the next 3-4 will entail. By as of this writing this is what has occurred.

- He was elected without any experience to speak of. He had just two years as a senator in IL. He voted “present” in most cases. His only life experience was as a community organizer. No business experience at all.

- He never released his college transcripts or grades.

- Questions remain about his truth location of birth.

- He was and is well connected to radicals in the Communist party and almost all of his associates are radicals

- Attended Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s radical Black Theology Church which promotes American hate

- Was never vetted by the mainstream media – ever

- He blamed President Bush for 5 full years and still does now

- He had promised to be “different” than any before him and have a transparent operation.

- He forced Obamacare into law without even reading it

- Our national debt hit 17trillion in his first 4 years, more than all the rest combined – blamed Bush

- Unemployment increased – blamed Bush

- Claims he is a Christian but never attends church

- Embraces all things Islam and Islamic leaders worldwide

- Has not worked with the GOP at all – refuses to meet or compromise

- Ran the most mean, unethical campaign in 2012 – ever

- Major voting fraud issues in 2008 with ACORN and 2012 with some counties showing 100% votes for Obama

- Jobless claims numbers were only 79k in the report before the election in 2012, over 400k the week after

- Major companies he gave money to in his stimulus bill went bankrupt

- Held back on the Petreas scandal until the day after the election!

- The entire Libya scandal in 2012, still unfolding, the week AFTER the election of course

- Has refused to stand up for Israel in any capacity

- After Hurricane Sandy, did nothing more than show up for a photo-op, and has gotten away with it

The double standard in our country is going to ruin us. He gets away with anything he wants to. Had even 2-3 of these things occurred under a conservative, they would be fried.

This list is not complete. I will add to it as I think of it, but it is vital it gets put down on paper now so my kids and future generations will remember what put America in the tank for a very long time.

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